Industrial Bio Technology company offers equipment for industrial air purification.

Absorption-Biological Units (ABUs) are designed for industrial air purification from phenol, formaldehyde, triethylamine, benzol, acrolein, cyanides, ammonia, methanol, dust, and aerosols of tarry substances.
Absorption-Biological Units (ABUs) are designed for industrial air purification from phenol, formaldehyde, triethylamine, benzol, acrolein, cyanides, ammonia, methanol, dust, and aerosols of tarry substances.

ABU Efficiency

Today, ABU has no match in the world market of gas purifying equipment on the aggregate index of efficiency, environmental friendliness, reliability, and cost effectiveness.
Efficiency of air purification from phenol and formaldehyde
  • at least 95% given input concentration of >20 mg/m3
  • at least 85% given input concentration of 10-20 mg/m3
  • at least 80% given input concentration of 5-10 mg/m3
  • at least 70% given input concentration of 4-6 mg/m3
Efficiency of air purification from triethylamine
  • 96 - 98%
    (triethylamine output concentration does not exceed 20 mg/m3)
Efficiency of air purification from
suspended substances
  • 98% or higher

ABU Operation Principles

Ventilating air purification with the ABU is based on two natural processes:

  • The first principle lies in the fact that the majority of harmful volatile organic compounds are soluble in service water.
  • The second principle is based on the ability of specially selected and adapted microorganisms to use dissolved organic and some inorganic substances in water as a source of replenishment. As the microorganisms consume those harmful dissolved compounds, the compounds become fully mineralized and turned into water and carbon dioxide.

Diagram and description of the Absorption - Biological Unit

ABU Schema

Diagram and description of the Absorption - Biological Unit

  • 1 – Scrubber
  • 2 – Pump
  • 3 – Bioreactor with Microorganisms
  • 4 – Ventilator
  • А – Ventilation air input
  • В – Ventilation air output
  • С – Absorption solution

Harmful substances are trapped in the scrubber with the help of a water absorbent and then they are neutralized (oxidized to CO2 and H2O) in the bioreactor.

The solution circulates in a closed «scrubber-bioreactor» cycle which prevents any industrial drains into the sewer system. Purified air is discharged into the atmosphere.

The microorganisms used in the ABU are derived from natural sources and as a result they are both non-toxic and non-pathogenic. The microorganisms have also passed a toxicological evaluation.

Please visit our  most frequently asked questions  page to learn more about ABU operation.

To get a technical or business offer for an ABU for your company, please fill out and send us the  questionnaire . You are also welcomed to send us an enquiry in a free form.